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Rawam LMS

Pioneering cybersecurity awareness and training, our platform is distinguished by its user-friendly interface, comprehensive control panel, detailed reporting capabilities, and rich cybersecurity content

Rawam Features

Our platform has many features and benefits that make it highly valuable, the most notable of which are:


The platform fully supports Arabic and English on the website and awareness content in cybersecurity.

LDAP Integration

Integration with Active Directory systems, in addition to the ability to register in the system separately

Hosting Flexibility

It can be installed within the internal network of institutions without the need for the Internet On Premises, or it can be installed on the Internet in the Clouds.

Customer Identity

The ability to fully customize the platform identity with the client’s logo and colors

Phishing Simulation

Realistic phishing attack simulations to enable users to identify threats.

Risk Assessment

Evaluate risks at both employee and organizational levels, with improvement tracking


Enhance awareness using gamified techniques such as points, badges, and leaderboards

SCORM Support

Provides an interactive training experience with the ability to import courses in SCORM format.

Policy Management

Enables the addition of entity-specific policies, tracks employee approvals, and offers the capability to enforce approvals and send alerts for new policies or updates.

Incident Report

Allows employees to report security incidents and issues, with the ability to send attachments and chat in the ticket until it is closed by the system administrator.

Awareness Newsletter

The entity is able to publish periodic information and awareness materials on cybersecurity and send them via email to various departments.


Measure employee performance and progress before and after campaigns

Comprehensive Admin Control Panel

A comprehensive control panel for system administrators to monitor employee performance and generate essential reports.

Open Platform

Supports multiple courses on the platform, each with its own test and certificate. The system administrator can upload various courses and video clips

Awareness Newsletter

The entity is able to publish periodic information and awareness materials on cybersecurity and send them via email to various departments.

Awareness Notifications

Periodically sends awareness alerts to employees via email, providing security tips and instructions.

Rawam Sample

Enjoy watching a sample of Rawam educational videos, designed to enhance security awareness among employees and users. These videos contain important information and guidance on various aspects of cybersecurity, presented in an interactive and engaging way. Watch now to learn how to protect yourself and your organization from cyber threats

Rawam Topics

The Rawam platform offers a variety of topics in the field of cybersecurity, covering multiple aspects to ensure comprehensive and effective training is provided and is compatible with the requirements of the National Cybersecurity Authority. We are constantly updating and adding more topics.


The topic talks about how to identify hacking attempts and ways to protect against them.

Physical Security

Physical security in the work environment and employee office is very important. In this topic, the basic points that should be taken into consideration to maintain security within the work environment will be discussed.


The topic talks about identifying malware and ways to prevent it.

Password Security

The topic discusses the basics of password protection and the methods hackers use to steal them.

Identity theft

The topic talks about how to prevent identity theft and protect personal information.

Data saving and backup

The topic discusses best practices for data storage and recovery.

Social Engineering

The topic talks about deception techniques to obtain sensitive information and ways to protect against them.

Email Security

The topic is about protecting email from phishing and hacking.

Banking Security

The topic is about securing financial transactions over the Internet.

Social Network Security

The topic is about protecting privacy and information on social media.


The topic is about understanding cybercrimes and how to combat them.

Industrial Safety

The topic is about protecting industrial systems from cyber attacks.


The topic is about recognizing phishing attempts and how to avoid them.

Safe handling of Documents and Papers

The topic is about protecting sensitive documents from unauthorized access.

Safe Internet Browsing

The topic is about using the Internet safely and protecting data.

Cloud Security

The topic is about securing data and applications in cloud environments.

Remote work security

The topic is about protecting information while working outside the office.

Secure Data Destruction

The topic is about how to dispose of data securely.


The topic is about using encryption to protect sensitive information.

Mobile Security

The topic is about protecting smartphones and tablets from threats.

Wireless Network Security

The topic is about securing communications over wireless networks.

Traveler Security

The topic is about protecting information and devices while traveling.

Internet of Things Security

The topic is about securing devices connected to the Internet.

Personal Data Protection and Management

The topic is about compliance with standards for the protection and management of personal data.